Elizen / 2023-05-19
最近 ChatGPT 热闹之后,涌出很多讨论的话题,各种视角都有,伦理、监管、文明以及各个技术角度的解读,我对其中一个话题产生了兴趣,就是技术与文明的关系,包括技术的本质,文明演进的过程中技术到底在一个什么样的位置等等,后面可能随手摘录一些笔记记在这里。
Dan Wang 在文章中提到,美国如果想复苏,Make American Great Again,要做的事情是重新建立制造业,因为技术是一种「过程知识」,过程中的经验无法使用备忘录的形式完备的建立起来,他在文中举了深圳的例子,中国在推动整个制造业前进的过程中,通过这些过程知识培养了一大批的专家,这些专家和经验,产生了巨大的创新效应,制造了许多新兴的产品,比如几大手机厂商、无人机、机器人……Dan Wang 也表示,现在越来越多的人趋向与金融和软件,也许是一个错误,真正的创新和发展,依然在制造业。
同样,《Chip War》一开篇就表示,美国多年前就已经开始转移制造业,只保留高端的设计能力,而现在,他们通过芯片法案限制中国的发展,逼迫日本、韩国等重新回到美国制造,不知道是不是已经晚了。
Noah Smith 在 How Technology Has Changed the World Since I Was Young 中也提到类似的说法:
Now it’s important to note that understanding and practiced skill are still scarce commodities. YouTube can’t teach you how to be a great violinist (at least, not in 30 minutes), and Wikipedia can’t give you the ability to do difficult math proofs. And the knowledge that can be gained from direct experience is often superior in quality to the knowledge gained from a Google search — for example, if I actually go to the Matterhorn, I can see it from a variety of angles and in a variety of lighting. But overall, humans have taken much of the knowledge that they used to have to carry around in their heads and uploaded it to what is, in effect, a single unified exocortex.